Central Georgia EMC Presents Checks to Greater Macon Chamber of Commerce and Macon-Bibb Industrial Authority for Community Development Activities

Central Georgia EMC (CGEMC) Board Member Phillip Ham, Jr. presented the Greater Macon Chamber of Commerce and the Macon-Bibb Industrial Authority with checks totaling $8,600 to go toward community and economic development activities.
Central Georgia EMC (CGEMC) presented 22 checks this month, totaling $325,386, to area Chambers of Commerce, Industrial Development Authorities, and School Boards throughout the service territory.
These funds come from unclaimed capital credits that remain with CGEMC after five years. Capital credits are margins over and above the cost of providing service for Central Georgia EMC customer-owners for a specific year after financial obligations have been met. Unclaimed capital credits that remain after five years stay in the communities served by Central Georgia EMC for the sole purposes of funding education, economic development, and 501(c)(3) charitable organizations in the EMC service area.